
About us關于我們



江(jiang)蘇美(mei)谷塑(su)膠工(gong)業有(you)限公司坐落(luo)于素有(you)魚(yu)米之(zhi)鄉(xiang)美(mei)稱的江(jiang)蘇蘇州。自成立來,公司規模不斷壯大(da),現(xian)有(you)員工(gong)一(yi)百余人,廠房面積(ji)八萬余(yu)平米。公司堅持高起點、高標準的戰略目(mu)標,引(yin)進了國(guo)內先進的(de) PC 板材(cai)擠出( 共(gong)擠UV層(ceng))生產(chan)設備和技術,精(jing)選 BAYERSABIC 進口高分子原料生(sheng)產(chan)(chan),產(chan)(chan)品嚴格執(zhi)行SO9001:2008 國際質量管理系(xi)認證,并通過國家(jia)化學建筑材(cai)料(liao)檢(jian)測中(zhong)心及國家(jia)防火建筑材(cai)料(liao)檢(jian)測,并由(you)擁有(you)豐富從業(ye)經(jing)驗的專(zhuan)家(jia)進(jin)行技術指導和(he)生產管理。公司引進(jin)美國 FT-IR 紅外(wai)光譜(pu)儀和 TGA 熱失幣分析儀、意大利 CEAST 溶脂測試(shi)儀、臺式分光測色儀、ROHS 指標測(ce)試儀(yi)、水分測(ce)定儀(yi)、黑點檢測(ce)儀(yi)、HDT/icat 測試(shi)儀、萬(wan)能試(shi)驗機和復(fu)合擺錘沖擊儀等(deng)分(fen)析測試(shi)設備,經過嚴格的(de)質量(liang)控制流程和測試(shi)檢驗來確保產品質量(liang),公司始終堅(jian)持產品質量(liang)視為(wei)企業(ye)生存(cun)的(de)基礎,把滿足客戶(hu)的(de)要求作為(wei)宗旨,把誠信負責作為(wei)經營(ying)原則(ze)。美谷(gu)塑膠科技(ji) PC 板(ban)材產品包括兩層(ceng)(ceng)中空板(ban)、多層(ceng)(ceng)中空板(ban)、X 型中空板、蜂窩板、防(fang)霧滴板、通用(yong)耐力板、顆粒板、磨砂板、浪(lang)瓦系列等,廣泛應用(yong)于建筑采光、廣告標牌(pai)、聲屏障、警用(yong)盾牌(pai)、機械防護(hu)、溫室大(da)棚、陽光房和(he)采光頂(ding)等工程項目,出口到歐美、日韓(han)、東南亞等國家和(he)地(di)區(qu),公司立志(zhi)成為(wei)客戶心目中(zhong)的(de)放心品牌,我們真誠期(qi)待與您攜手共進,一起創造美好的(de)明天(tian)

Meigu is commilted to ceveloping thermoplastic technology to create value for application customers in variousfields.

Jiangsu Meigu Plastic industry Co..L.TD. ls located in jiangsusuzhou. which is known as the land of fish and riceSince its establishment, the company has grown in size, with more than 100 employees and 80 thousand squaremeters of plant area, Companies adhere to a high starling point, high stanidard of strategic target, introduced themost advanced talian UNION PC sheet extrusion (layer co-extrusion UV) production equipment and technology.BAYER,SABIC imported polymer materials production, products strictly enforce the ISO9001:2008 intemationalgualty mmanagerment systern certification, and through the nat onal cherical buiking materials test center and thenational fire protection building materials detection, and the nch experience of experts for technical guidance andproduction

management. The company introduces the FT - IR infrared spectrometer and TGA thermo-gravimetricanalyzer, ltaly CEAST de-fatting tester, desktop light color mmeasurerment instrument, ROHS deteclor index testermoisture tester, black spots, HDT/Vicat tester, universal testing machine, and analysis of compound pendulumimpact tester and test equipment, strict quality control process and test inspection to ensure product quality.The comipany always insisls on the quality of products as the basis for the survival of the enterprise, to rreet therequirements of the customers as the purpose, and responsible for the integrity of the management principle.Embellish city plastic technology PC plank product consists of two layers of corrugated board, multlayer insulatingboard, X type hollw plate, honeycom panel, prevent droplels, general enduranice board, parlidle board, grindingplate, wave tile series and so on, are widely used in architectural lighting, advertising signs, sound barriers, policeshield, mechanical protection, greenhouses, sun room and lighting engineering

projects, such as export to EuropeAmerica, Japan and South Korea, southeast Asia and other couniries arid regions, the coripany aimis lo becornethe customer's trust the brand, we sincerely look forward to working with you hand in hand advance togethercreae beautful tomorrow together.

  • Team團隊風采
  • honor榮譽資質
  • INNOVATION創新 持續(xu)發(fa)展(zhan)的動力!


  • SERVICE服務 價值提升(sheng)的階梯


  • WIN-WIN COMMOND雙贏 共同發(fa)展的基石(shi)


  • Copyright @2018版權所有(you):江(jiang)蘇美谷塑膠工(gong)業有(you)限公(gong)司 蘇ICP備18017943號
